2025 Easter Parade Online Application
- Please save and/or print a copy of the Parade Application and Rules PDF for your records, located below the online application.
- To mail in your application along with check/money order, please download the Parade Application and Rules PDF below the online parade application.
- To pay the registration fee:
- Mail a check or money order to St. Augustine Easter Week Festival Committee, Inc., P.O. Box 3631, St. Augustine, FL 32085.
- Zelle (preferred) using email [email protected].
- Credit card payments can be paid via PayPal with an extra admin fee included (+$10 for Business, +$5 for Civic/Non-Profit).
- Please allow up to 72 hours to receive confirmation of your parade entry.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 347-9339
2025 Easter Parade Application and Rules
General Parade Information
- The St. Augustine Easter Parade will take place on Saturday, April 19, 2025. Step-off is at 9:00 AM.
- Applications will be accepted for review until 4/11/25. If space is still available after that date, late applications will be considered with a $25.00 late fee. The last day to submit applications (with late fee) will be 4/16/25. After 4/16/25, no new applications will be accepted.
- Acceptance of an application is not acceptance into the Parade. Applications will be reviewed for acceptance and notification of acceptance will be given via email and notifications of non-acceptance will be given via email/phone.
- Parade payment must be paid in full and included with this application. Payment will be refunded in full if the application is not accepted. There will be a $25 NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) fee charged for any bounced checks.
- Cancellations are non-refundable after 4/5/25. A $25.00 administrative fee will be charged for cancellations regardless of cancellation date. Refunds will be given within 30 days.
- An email indicating acceptance in the Parade will be sent out no later than 4/16/25.
- Payment may be made by check, money order, Zelle, or credit card. Checks and money orders should be made payable to St. Augustine Easter Week Festival, Inc.
- Credit Card payment will only be accepted via PayPal with an extra administration fee ($10 extra for Business, $5 extra for Civic/Non-Profit).
- The event will only be canceled if the safety of the participants is deemed at risk due to inclement weather, acts of God, or any other circumstances deemed necessary by St. Augustine Easter Week Festival, Inc., or government officials/entities.
- Parade entries should be in their designated place and fully set up by 8 A.M. the day of the parade. Entries will be judged between 8 A.M. and 8:30 A.M. against the theme of the parade: Easter! Award winning entries will be given their award prior to the start of the parade. There will be three awards given.
Parade Rules for All Entries
- Throwing items (including candy) from parade entries is prohibited.
- No offensive/hate messages may be displayed, distributed, or broadcasted by participating entries.
- Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited before and during the parade. Violations of this regulation may result in the parade entry being disqualified.
- A signed General Release of Claims must accompany the application to be considered.
- Each entry must be fully decorated with float materials in the theme of Easter.
- No political advertisements (e.g., signs, apparel, etc.) for a specific candidate for a specific office.
- Use of animals in the parade must be pre-approved. An animal cleanup crew must be in place before the parade begins and follow the animals on the parade route.
- An informational/orientation meeting will be held prior to the event. This meeting is mandatory. It is required that at least one representative for each entry must attend this meeting to participate in the parade. If no one from the entry is able to make the meeting when it is held, other arrangements can be made with prior notice and communication to [email protected].
- St. Augustine Easter Week Festival, Inc. will remove any entry in the parade that is deemed to be inappropriate, offensive, unsafe, or fails to follow these rules. This may affect your further participation in future events.
- Each entry should bear the name of the Business, School or other Sponsoring Organization, in letters clearly visible from 10 feet away.
- No entry can include an Easter Bunny! Just like Santa, there is only one Easter Bunny, who will be arranged by St. Augustine Easter Week Festival, Inc.
Parade Rules for Floats and Motor Vehicles
- All motorized vehicles (e.g., cars, motorcycles, tractors, etc.) must be driven by an adult over the age of 21 with a valid driver’s license and insurance.
- In addition to a driver’s personal insurance, all floats must provide a copy of the business or sponsoring organization’s liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 and accompany the application to be considered. Single day event insurance is available on the open market for nominal fees.
- Floats must have proper safety equipment in working order to connect the float to the tow vehicle. Towing chains must be connected between the float and towing vehicle at all times. In addition, wheel chocks must be accessible and used in the event of any failure of the float or towing vehicle until the float and towing vehicle can be operated safely together again.
- Each motorized entry is limited to 9 vehicles. If an organization desires to have more than 9 vehicles, a separate entry and registration fee will be required for each additional set of 9 vehicles.